October 22, 2013
2 Chronicles 20:12 O our God, will you not execute judgment on them? For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.??? ESV Our lives are made up of different roles and responsibilities; we are Moms, Dads, Business owners or coworkers. Each and every one of us has a role and purpose and we can identify it with this verse in whatever role we are in. The bible makes it clear that we are to “seek first the kingdom of God and that…
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October 16, 2013
To some of us this might come as a strange realization but, God ultimately chooses the life we are to live. Most of my adult life I pursued things that came natural to me without ever giving thought that God was the one leading me the whole time. Only later did I come to find out that God had been planning my course in spite of my efforts. Proverbs 16:9 “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.??? We, in all of our wisdom, can’t even imagine what God’s knowledge and wisdom even looks like. We…
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October 8, 2013
Many times I find myself sitting wondering what to do for the day. I pray and wait and then for whatever reason, I find myself restless. I know that the dreadful word of boredom is coming and that as a Christian and a child of God, the word bored should never be a part of my vocabulary. The Bible says in Ephesians 5:16 and 17 “to redeem the time because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.??? God is working His perfect will in each of our lives. He…
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Why Did Gandhi accept the Teachings of Jesus but reject Christianity? As I am preparing for my journey to India, I am being challenged to look deeply into my heart and seek out what is my honest motivation. I, like many of us have dark tendencies that seem to want to control our lives when our motivation is not challenged. When I choose to run from my motivation of lust, greed, and control to Christ and I am then honest in my pursuit of His Holiness. It’s only then can I experience relief of the burden I have been carrying…
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It seems that waiting on the Lord should not be hard; yet anyone who has tried to do it knows it still is. The bible says in Mathew 6:33, “To seek first the kingdom of God and all things shall be added unto you.??? My question has always been in addressing what does it look like “to seek first His kingdom.??? All of my life, I have been searching for God’s perfect will to emanate my being. At times it seems as though I am running in circles and still have not found it and in the process I am…
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By Pete M Robertson After speaking with a friend the other day I went to my computer to do some research and refresh myself on their religion of Jainism. I was fascinated by what they were saying about what they do and the standards that they hold themselves accountable to. It made me want to know more, so I studied and refreshed my knowledge to see what all the excitement was about. As I was researching the history of my friends religion I started asking myself many questions regarding my purpose, why am I here on this earth, how did…
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Have you ever sinned and after words felt that nagging guilt that seemed to linger and not go away? Have you ever meditated on why you even sinned in the first place? I think a lot of the times when we do meditate on why we sinned, we don’t go far enough into our meditation. Most of the time we fall short and brush it off in our minds with, “I should have never been there in the first place??? or “because I wanted it??? or “it felt good or right.??? We fall short of the real problem which is…
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