Have you ever sinned and after words felt that nagging guilt that seemed to linger and not go away? Have you ever meditated on why you even sinned in the first place? I think a lot of the times when we do meditate on why we sinned, we don’t go far enough into our meditation. Most of the time we fall short and brush it off in our minds with, “I should have never been there in the first place??? or “because I wanted it??? or “it felt good or right.??? We fall short of the real problem which is what we have been doing that has led us to this sin in the first place.
My morning devotion was in Mathew 7:24-27, 24 “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: 25 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.26 “But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: 27 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.???
There will come a time where that same sin will pop its head up again and again and until we finally repent of that sin and recognize what has led us to this sin, it will never go away. In fact, many times the temptation might come back worse than previous times. Our habits and our way of life have a lot to do with why we sin. Whatever your sin is, ask yourself, “What have I been doing in my life that has caused me to be vulnerable to my weakness???? This vulnerability will lead to the consequences in which Jesus says “when you build your house on sand???. It’s inevitable, that eventually there WILL BE a storm that comes; and your life style will prove that you have not built your house on a sure foundation; you will surely be washed away. For many of us guys it’s the temptation of Porn. The computer has a lot to do with why we fail and so often. If we are surfing the web and we see an article that says something to the fact of “Jennifer Aniston Stripper Secrets??? we know in our hearts that if we click on that article that it could open the door to our sin. This is the very essence of how you “build your house on sand???. If we at the same time recognize that this is a strong temptation and then take action and turn off our computer, then pray for Gods strength, then we start the process of “building our foundation on solid rock!???
What happens when we give into our temptation? It becomes a drug that continues to beckon you’re your actions and over time we find ourselves spiraling out control and indulging in our sin continuously. Our hearts yearn for the Lord, but our actions speak otherwise, we find ourselves asking the Lord to please take this sin from us and why Lord do I keep doing the same sin over and over again. The cycle never stops and our depression becomes so overwhelming, but with a lifestyle change there is hope!
We HAVE TO DO the hard things in order for us to have victory over our sin. We have to put ourselves in a position that is pleasing to God and recognize that when we call out to Him, He will answer us and help us.
There will come a time where the war is raging and you will be battle tested. It’s in those moments of victory against your sin that are the times when you earn your stripes. You have to recognize you are battling a spiritual battle and fall on your Face to Jesus and don’t get up until God says so.
Take a moment and close your eyes, meditate on how you are living your life, ask yourself are there areas or habits that you need to change today? Do you need to change careers, music, habits, lifestyles, friends etc.? Is there anything you need to crucify and make a radical 180? If the Holy Spirit is speaking to you don’t quench Him, do the hard things today, start building your house on a solid foundation and the next time that storm comes you will have victory in Christ! May the peace of God surpass all of your understanding!