Pete Ministries
Pete is a dynamic leader who inspires people in various ways. As the co-host of the Christian Discipleship Podcast, R.I.O.T. Podcast, he, along with his co-host Bob, shares God's truths powerfully every week, addressing topics relevant to current events. Together, they teach Christians to view the news through Gods eyes.
In addition, Pete serves as the CEO of Natural Discipleship, a global ministry dedicated to multiplying disciples and empowering people to join Jesus in His mission. The organization offers curriculum and training worldwide, provides Bibles and printed curriculum guides, and supports indigenous leaders with food and sustainable resources.
Moreover, Pete and his wife run Mission Travel Tours, a Tent Ministry that brings the pages of the Bible to life for followers of Jesus. This full-service travel destination company and tour operator specializes in leisure travel, faith-based travel, wedding destinations, corporate incentive tours, and special interest group tours.

About The RIOT Podcast Show

The R.I.O.T. Podcast aka "Righteous Invasion of Truth" is a fun-loving upbeat weekly Christian Podcast. This powerful Podcast will boost your day and spiritual growth with relevant conversations on today’s hot topics. We also have practical discussions on “how-to” topics, as well as concrete wisdom on how to see the news from Gods eyes and how to answer Faith's hardest questions.
Every, Thursday we release an episode that speaks to people who are looking for a word of encouragement, love to laugh, and want to be encouraged in their faith and walk with Christ. Our topics are wide ranging, it really depends on what is happening in the world. We bring a fresh, relevant outlook on things in the news. We will answer hard topic questions that are relevant to our faith such as, "If God is such a good God why does he allow hurricanes to kill people, or a terrorist, etc.?" Our guests are business owners, entrepreneurs, authors, artists, Pastors, musicians and unique characters we know or happen to run into. Most often these are people in love with Jesus and have a story to tell. No matter what or who we are recording, we want you to feel like you're hanging out with friends and taking part in a community of unique and interesting people.
Check out the website RiotpodcastAbout Natural Discipleship
The strategic vision of Be Mission Minded/ Natural Discipleship is to partner with likeminded people and local churches to love intimately and make multiplying disciples of Jesus Christ. We meet needs while training trainers globally to cultivate new communities of Jesus among all peoples, with an emphasis on the least reached in the 10/40 window. The biblical and theological foundations of our vision is rooted in obedience to Jesus and the imitation of the apostles multiplying themselves.
Our vision is a “prayer” vision, because of the command of Jesus: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field” (Lk. 10:2). Our vision is a “strategic” vision, because both Jesus and His apostles practiced intentional leadership development and mobilization as the driving force behind the furtherance of the kingdom of God in the world through the propagation of the gospel (Matt. 4:19; 2 Tim. 2:2...)
Check out the website Naturaldiscipleship
About Mission Travel Tours (Tent Ministry)

Mission Travel Tours is a Christian Tour Destination Company that works behind the scenes to provide travelers a holiday vacation that is memorable by building exciting tour itineraries for all levels of travelers. They offer a diverse range of travel services, including Leisure Travel, Corporate Incentive Travel, Faith Based Travel, Wedding Destinations, and Group Travel. Their tours are custom-designed to fit everyone’s preferences, led by expert local guides, and tailored specifically to meet the needs of your family or group. Whether it’s a leisurely escape, an immersive corporate retreat, an enriching faith based journey, a romantic wedding destination, or a fun-filled group adventure, Mission Travel Tours promises to deliver an extraordinary and memorable travel experience.
Check out the website MissiontraveltoursCheck out the website Mttfaith