This morning I awoke to Pastor Skip Hietzeg on the Radio and he was speaking of sexual sin and how the numbers of marital affairs are equal in the secular world as it is in the Christian arena. I pondered what he was saying and reflected on my past and my temptations currently; I would say I believe that figure 100%. The devil and all his tactics to lure us are very great. Every were I turn, on billboard’s, commercial’s, walking down the street; all I see is sex or a reference to it. Pastor Skip went on to say…
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Many times I find myself sitting wondering what to do for the day. I pray and wait and then for whatever reason, I find myself restless. I know that the dreadful word of boredom is coming and that as a Christian and a child of God, the word bored should never be a part of my vocabulary. The Bible says in Ephesians 5:16 and 17 “to redeem the time because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.??? God is working His perfect will in each of our lives. He…
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