America and the worlds chaos according to God

March 3, 2025

The world is in a constant battle between good and evil, but God remains in control. Amid corruption and chaos, believers must trust in Jesus, resist fear, and be a light to others. His death and resurrection offer hope and peace, calling us to love, pray, and reflect His truth. No matter what happens, God’s sovereign plan will prevail.

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Easter Twist You’ve Never Heard Before

April 8, 2020

I know many of us would say that Easter’s Holy Week is important because it signifies the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Yes, that is all true, but many individuals do not fully understand the grand magnitude or huge significance of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection has for their own lives now. When we believe in Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, most of us understand that if we put our trust and faith in him and repent of our sins, that the opportunity for eternal life is available to us. That alone is huge, but how many of us fully…

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Do we have a lifestyle of worship?

November 29, 2018

Do we have a lifestyle of worship? I often ask myself, do I have a lifestyle of worship?  When examined by others, do people notice the sweet aroma that God places in my life? True worship manifests itself in action and emanates from a heart for God. God’s presence should be evident in everything we do and having a lifestyle of worship will establish that. David had a heart for God and lived a lifestyle of worship. Pastor Ken Baugh once wrote that “David’s life revealed 5 elements that characterize a lifestyle of worship. Those 5 elements are: Having total…

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My thoughts on 9/11

September 11, 2018

A photo of a cross from mangled metal taken by Anne Bybee about three weeks after the 9/11 attacks, on the backside of Ground Zero. I write this blog reflecting upon the events of 9/11/01. I was searching on twitter this morning reading about other people’s experience on that day and I found myself thinking of what I was doing and where I was at during those horrific moments.  At the time, I was living in California and received a call from a good friend that lived in GA around 5:55 am PST. He urgently told me to turn on…

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Is there life after death? What to know!

September 5, 2018

  I write today with a heavy heart as one my friends has passed away. I, like all who knew him are mourning his loss. Death for me has never been easy; it’s a shock, a wakeup call and has always shaken me to my core. It causes me to simplify everything in my mind and makes me realize what is important and what is not. As I reflect upon my friends life with all the good memories I have had with him, it has once again opened my eyes to realize that life is short. I told my wife…

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The Draw of Sexual Temptations

December 12, 2013

This morning I awoke to Pastor Skip Hietzeg on the Radio and he was speaking of sexual sin and how the numbers of marital affairs are equal in the secular world as it is in the Christian arena. I pondered what he was saying and reflected on my past and my temptations currently; I would say I believe that figure 100%. The devil and all his tactics to lure us are very great. Every were I turn, on billboard’s, commercial’s, walking down the street; all I see is sex or a reference to it. Pastor Skip went on to say…

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Getting along without losing our self

November 12, 2013

First and foremost I can’t imagine how a person that is gay feels or thinks. I have never had gay thoughts or tendencies; so I cannot relate. I do know that gay people are loved by God and that their choice to love the same sex is an action they have chosen. It’s just like when I made my choice to marry my wife. They made that decision based upon how they felt and were led to choose their partner. There is so much debate over this topic based off of interpretation of biblical insight. Many people that have no…

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Gods Will versus My Will

October 8, 2013

Many times I find myself sitting wondering what to do for the day. I pray and wait and then for whatever reason, I find myself restless. I know that the dreadful word of boredom is coming and that as a Christian and a child of God, the word bored should never be a part of my vocabulary. The Bible says in Ephesians 5:16 and 17 “to redeem the time because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.??? God is working His perfect will in each of our lives. He…

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