America and the worlds chaos according to God

March 3, 2025

The world is in a constant battle between good and evil, but God remains in control. Amid corruption and chaos, believers must trust in Jesus, resist fear, and be a light to others. His death and resurrection offer hope and peace, calling us to love, pray, and reflect His truth. No matter what happens, God’s sovereign plan will prevail.

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Easter Twist You’ve Never Heard Before

April 8, 2020

I know many of us would say that Easter’s Holy Week is important because it signifies the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Yes, that is all true, but many individuals do not fully understand the grand magnitude or huge significance of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection has for their own lives now. When we believe in Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, most of us understand that if we put our trust and faith in him and repent of our sins, that the opportunity for eternal life is available to us. That alone is huge, but how many of us fully…

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We are in the people business!

February 11, 2014

My thoughts often times escape me when I am not careful to recognize that God is fully in control of all my circumstances. My world as a business owner has a lot of trials and issues that need to be addressed on a daily basis. What I often forget is that my issues and trials are not of my own but that of the Lords. God never said that I am to fix all the daily problems. He tells me to cast all my cares and burdens unto Him for he cares for me (1Peter 5:7) and he will work…

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The Draw of Sexual Temptations

December 12, 2013

This morning I awoke to Pastor Skip Hietzeg on the Radio and he was speaking of sexual sin and how the numbers of marital affairs are equal in the secular world as it is in the Christian arena. I pondered what he was saying and reflected on my past and my temptations currently; I would say I believe that figure 100%. The devil and all his tactics to lure us are very great. Every were I turn, on billboard’s, commercial’s, walking down the street; all I see is sex or a reference to it. Pastor Skip went on to say…

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Flirt with the world

December 5, 2013

My reading today of James 4 really brought things home in regards to how the Lord has been dealing with me in my life. I wanted to break down the first 12 versus and share with you on what God was sharing with me during my devotional time. James 4 1-2 “Where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrels come from? Do you think they just happen? Think again. They come about because you want your own way, and fight for it deep inside yourselves. You lust for what you don’t have and are willing to kill to…

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Thankful For My Everything!

November 26, 2013

Over the years I have discovered that there are a great amount of nuggets uncovered every day in our scripture reading, if we slow down and take the time to meditate on them. For instance, my morning reading today in Ezekiel had me on my knees in worship. I’m so thankful for my everything, because He has opened my eyes to all that He is doing for me and in my life. I was able to actually picture myself as a woolly sheep grazing in the pasture; I compared it to my daily work life. I get up, I listen…

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Biblical Forgiveness vs. Therapeutic Forgiveness

November 20, 2013

I wanted to share an article written by Dr Harry Schaumburg, I definitely could not have written this any better be blessed! All forgiveness is not created equal. Broadly speaking there are two types of forgiveness: biblical forgiveness and therapeutic forgiveness. Therapeutic forgives has been defined as, “as integral to authentic healing from addiction-indicating that one is released from carrying the burdens of guilt, shame, resentment, fear, sadness and anger (Kurtz & Ketchum, 1992). This process of forgiveness takes a holistic approach to changing one’s lifestyle, accepting responsibility for one’s actions, and reaching a place of self-compassion and forgiveness towards…

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Getting along without losing our self

November 12, 2013

First and foremost I can’t imagine how a person that is gay feels or thinks. I have never had gay thoughts or tendencies; so I cannot relate. I do know that gay people are loved by God and that their choice to love the same sex is an action they have chosen. It’s just like when I made my choice to marry my wife. They made that decision based upon how they felt and were led to choose their partner. There is so much debate over this topic based off of interpretation of biblical insight. Many people that have no…

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Help I need More Money

November 4, 2013

One of my heroes of the faith has been George Mueller. In his autobiography he shares with us his story of what a Christian life looks like when we fully put our trust in God. What makes his story so great and such a blessing to me is that he proves without a shadow of doubt that our God is real. I to have used his understanding of total surrender and I to can testify that there is no mistaking that everything the Bible says about God is true. As a Christian we are never promised life will be easy,…

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Our Psalms of Praise Through life’s Pains

October 30, 2013

Reading the book of Psalms brings much joy to my heart because I see that the writers are pouring out their hearts and expressing how good and great our God is. Every verse practically mentions something in reference to praising the Lord. What I also see in the psalms, is that David and the others recognized our true purpose for our life, and that is to praise His name and to give Him Glory. As I have written many times before, God does not revolve around us or our thinking. As He has stated that He is the Alpha and…

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